Tips to Go to Bed early on Christmas Eve

Not going to bed early on Christmas eve is something we learnt from childhood. Due to  all the
excitements surrounding around Santa Claus Visits, all the beautiful presents we are going to
receive, it was difficult to go to bed early. It was tough time for parents as well.
Now that we are all grown up, it is still difficult to control the emotions.

So here are few tried tested tips which work:

Prepare one week in advance:

Try to go to bed early, one week in advance. For example, if you go to bed at 10 PM normally, start going at 09:30.

Indulge in some intensive workout:

Sweating it out in Gym or other activity. This will insure that your body is tired when you go to sleep.

Dim the lights:

Melatonin is a hormone which helps your body know when it is time to go to bed. This hormone is most active in the darkness. When you are going to bed, make sure that light is dim.

Limit the use of Smartphones:

Usage of smartphones prevent the flow of Melatonin. If you plan to go to bed early, switch off your smartphones, tabs or keep them away from your reach.

Avoid caffeine products at any cost:

Caffeine stimulates the brain and  prevent you from going to sleep. Effects of caffeine lasts for 5 - 8 hours, so even if you have consumed in the afternoon, it will have its effect in night.


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